Batch configurations

In case you have multiple services to configure in your environment, that you probably will have at some point, there is a tool for that as well. The tool is called yacfg-batch. It has only yaml input and it uses yacfg to generate configurations as you are already used to.

Input yaml file defines all services you need to generate, what profiles to use, and what tuning to provide to yacgf. It allows you to configure defaults and common for services.

Batch profile file

As said it is YAML. It has two special sections: _default and _common. As the name suggests, _default values are used when values are not defined per specific section. Where _common is added to the values of all sections. The important thing here is that _default has lower priority than _common and that has lower priority than specific section values.

Every section has 4 values: profile, template, tuning_files, and tuning. As the name suggests, profile defines what generation profile to select, and it directly correlates with yacgf’s --profile. template defines what generation template to use (overrides one in the profile if defined), and it directly correlates with --template from yacgf. tuning_files option is a list of tuning files to use, when combining defaults, commons, and specific values, tuning_files list is concatenated. Finally tuning is a map of specific tuning values, correlates with --opt of yacgf. When combining defaults, commons, and specifics, it will be updated over using python dict.update() and it will work only on first level, so it is recommended to use flat values for tuning only.


    profile: artemis/2.5.0/default.yaml.jinja2
      - defaults/broker_default.yaml

      - common/security.yaml
      - common/logging.yaml

    pass: true

    profile: artemis/2.5.0/AIOBasic.yaml.jinja2
      - brokerB/queues.yaml


    profile: amq_broker/7.2.0/default.yaml.jinja2
      - defaults/amq_broker_default.yaml


As you can see, yacgf-batch supports multiple sections, in single batch profile file, that allows you to generate multiple groups using separated _default and _common sections for that.

executing batch

When you have defined all tuning files you need, and in the root of this batch configuration you have your batch profile file, you can now simply run yacgf-batch:

yacgf-batch --input [batch_profile_file] --output [output_path]

You can use multiple input files and all of those will be generated consecutively. In the output path, new subdirectories will be created for every item you configure (every section), section key will be used for that subdirectory. If the section name resembles a path, whole path will be created. For example for brokerA/opt/artemis/etc the configuration will be generated into [output_path]/brokerA/opt/artemis/etc/.